How does microwave increase the rate of reaction.


How does microwave increase the rate of reaction.

 How does microwave increase the rate of reaction.....

Any Chemical reaction begins with A and B which have the certain energy state as ER as shown in diagram. These reactants react in exact geometrical orientation to get activated to the higher energy transformation i.e ETS. Thus activation energy Ea is given by Ea=ETS - ER. Thus activation energy becomes very important which system absorb form environment.once the reaction absorb sufficient amount of activation energy it react and will return to the lower energy states i.e Ep - the product of reaction A-B. 5 microwave energy is such a tool which will not affect the activation energy but it provide a great momentum to complete the reaction more quickly and in more efficiently as compared to conventional heating. In each cycle of electromagnetic energy the microwaves will transfer energy 10-9 sec whereas the kinetic molecular relaxation will take 10-5sec.This indicates that energy transfer is faster than the molecular relaxation .
     This helps to create the high instantaneous temperature and non-equilibrium condition which have a great impact on the kinetic of the reaction.this helps to increase the reactant rate in less time with greater yield.

How does microwave increase the rate of reaction.

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